The Final Sacrifice
Posted: 2 Months Ago
Sapne, Jimmedariya, Gst
Blog, Poetry, Humor, Film Reviews, Social Issues, Ekta...
Posted: 2 Months Ago
Poem - Ignis Fatuus
Dance Of The Fireflies In the realm between shadows and light, illusions dance, A phantasm, a trick of sight. Whispers draw me clos......
Posted: 4 Months Ago
Smiles For Miles
It Has Now Been More Than A Decade Since I Started Blogging. I Vividly Remember Living In Patna To Execute A Project For A Major Telecom Op......
Posted: 8 Months Ago
Lent Day 50: The Rolling Stones
We All Go Through Tensions And Problems In Our Life. We Walk With Them, Sit With Them And Sleep With Them. They Are There And It Is A Mental......
Posted: 11 Months Ago
The Daughters Of My Deceased Relative Wanted To Perform The Last Rites, They Were Denied For Lack Of Rights.. Abt That Experience N What Happened Next...
Posted: 11 Months Ago