
Pepper's A Dash Of Pepper ...

... with a splash of Mint

  • Rated3.0/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from A Dash Of Pepper ...

Just when I was getting the hang of writing regularly, my laptop died on me. I’m extremely uncomfortable typing lengthy paragraphs on my phone. So I did what I could in the moment. I let go o…...
5 Years Ago
M for Mess
M for Mess
That is the one word that describes my Gmail inbox. It is such a dreadful mess that I find myself clueless – how am I supposed to clean this up, ever? I got my Gmail ID when Google had just l…...
5 Years Ago
L for Learn
L for Learn
I have fallen off the radar completely when it comes to this A-Z writing. So much so that I am wondering if and how I am going to work my way up. Cotton has been so awfully sick in the last few day…...
5 Years Ago
K for Kickback
K for Kickback
The one time I look forward to all day is the end of the day when I can actually kick back and just be, without having to jump to my feet to tend to the next task at hand. This time for me usually …...
5 Years Ago
J for Joyous
J for Joyous
So it was my birthday a few days ago. Over the past few years I have come to terms with the numbers my age reflects. It no longer shocks me to think of myself as an adult of that particular age. I …...
5 Years Ago
I for Idolize
I for Idolize
Kids are known to idolize their parents. At least that is the general perception. You, as a parent are a role model for your children. They learn what they observe around them. Your behaviour, your…...
5 Years Ago