Parag Solanki's Tech And Travel

In our day-to-day lives, we often wrap ourselves around the
monotonous life routine and hinder our zeal to live more, to
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  • Updated 9 Months Ago

Capital Punishment for Child rapists? - #SuperBloggerChallenge2018 #Instacuppa - TechTravelAndLife

Updated 6 Years Ago

Capital Punishment For Child Rapists? - #SuperBloggerChallenge2018 #Instacuppa - TechTravelAndLife
Following the barbaric rape cases that have surfaced in recent times, a prodigious public outcry is witnessed across the nation where people are demanding justice for the victims of such heinous crimes.   The most recent of all is the Asifa Bano rape case. An 8-year-old girl in Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir was …
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