You have to drink like the Irish if in Ireland! Dublin for sure has got you covered with some really amazing options to go bar and food hopping. One of the Saturdays not only did I have the best time exploring the best places to drink in Dublin with my friends but it was a sweet surprise to know that there are so many great and unique options just a walking distance away. I have to thank my friends Bart and Aggie for introducing me to them and saving me the effort! If you just have a day to drink like the Irish in Dublin, here are some of the best places to drink in Dublin that you shouldn’t miss! But first start your day with a good brunch! View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dakoiorientalcafe (@dakoiorientalcafe) on Jan 26, 2019 at 12:32pm PST I prefer some food in my belly prior to get my drink on,so I don’t get drunk too fast. Start your day with some delicious brunch at Dakoi Oriental Cafe. I love this place in Dublin 1, a small restaurant in the corner serves really great beef/chicken noodle soup which is mind blowing. …
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