Aren\'t Our Rickshaw Walas The Richest Community After All?
Rickshaw walas are undoubtedly one of the richest communities in Mumbai. A businessman is constantly looking for clients, a shopkeeper tri......
11 Years Ago
Marian Keyes - The Other Side of the Story
Time is a flawed concept. It is one of the shittiest jokes that nature could ever play. But just like everything else, we endure it. Muc......
11 Years Ago
John Green - Fault In Our Stars
The thing about books is they leave you with memories. The thing about characters is they take the form of life you want and permanently ......
12 Years Ago
Fifty Shades Of Grey - Book Review
When I started the much talked about Fifty Shades of Grey (trilogy), I had high hopes. And I did try to sustain that level till the s......
12 Years Ago
Independence To Me Is...
Getting your quote published in a prestigious newspaper gives you another high altogether. My quote on what Independence means to me wa......
12 Years Ago
Read Instead
I fell in love with books. Some people find beauty in music, some in painting, some in landscape, but I find it in words. By beauty, I mea......
12 Years Ago