What I am feeling - Jan 2017
I am going to start a series called “What I am feeling” which will appear on my blog each and every time I feel overwhelmed or too emotional or lost or even confused. This will be an ho…...
7 Years Ago
Our trip to the Police Station #BarWoWe
Around this time,2 years ago we had to pay a visit to a police station. It was an adventure on its own. The reason leading to the visit wasn’t much of an adventure, it was more of a nightmare…...
7 Years Ago
It’s okay to say “NO”
This incident happened when you were 3 years old. One day, as usual, you had played with your toys and they were thrown all over the place. So when your play was over, I asked you to clean up your …...
7 Years Ago
Word of the year 2017 #WOTY #BarWoWe
This year has begun on a good note. We had good food, good company and good memories to start with. I have been realistic as far as my resolutions are concerned. I didn’t make any as always. …...
7 Years Ago
Why you should travel
Dear Vi, We are just back from a trip and this trip was, I think, the worst trip for you. We had lots of tears, lots of disappointments and a whole lot of tantrums. Blame it on the age you are at, …...
8 Years Ago
Time to say goodbye
It’s that time of the year again. The school year ends in a few more days. This time, Vi is super excited about school closing since we leave to India immediately. Every day he asks me “Amma,…...
8 Years Ago