Roaming in Rome
My first trip abroad...Wow! It really was a wonderful experience; a walk through a land where hardly anyone speaks a language which I spe......
12 Years Ago
The Compass Is Searching North
What if you have nothing? What have you earned in your lifetime? What is it all worth? A journey can give you some hints, but the answer b......
12 Years Ago
Pravasi Malayali
This is from a mail I recieved from several friends. A typical malayali's response to a set of typical questions from his non-malayali frien......
13 Years Ago
Shashi Tharoor on TED talks
Today I watched this video and any words that I use will not suffice the description. Do watch it Watch on TED site :
14 Years Ago
ഗൃഹാതുരത്വം നിറഞ്ഞ ഒരു പിടി ഓര്മ്മകള് മനസ്സിലേക്ക് തള്ളി വരുന്നു ഒരു പ...
14 Years Ago
എന്റെ ഗണിതങ്ങള് തെറ്റാറില്ല എന്ന് ഞാന് പറയില്ല. കാരണം തെറ്റിയും തിരുത...
14 Years Ago