Vani's My Quest

This blog is to share everything that fascinates, attracts,
captivates, interest, and invokes me - expressed in a way
known to as humor to me !

  • Rated2.5/ 5
  • Updated 2 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from My Quest

Wish Me Well!
Wish Me Well!
If you ask question to a decade-back-version-of mine, I would not have impressed you much with a witty answer, but at least I would have answered something.  Though I never claim myself to hav…...
2 Years Ago
Of Life & Such Other Things
Of Life & Such Other Things
When you realize your last post was close to a decade earlier…you really do understand that life does wait for none. I mean theoretically we all know, but this is actually a moment of real realizatâ...
2 Years Ago
Wrong place Wrong time
Wrong place Wrong time
Ok..It has been quite few weeks since I updated the happenings around me. The first and foremost that I want to share here is my Delhi trip fiasco. My dear husband is currently employed in Delhi an…...
11 Years Ago
Wrong place Wrong time
Ok..It has been quite few weeks since I updated the happenings around me. The first and foremost that I want to share here is my Delhi trip fiasco. My dear husband is currently employed in Delhi an…...
11 Years Ago
The New found love…
The New found love…
For the past few months my old Samsung mobile which I bought couple of years back was in sick bed. So, I was in search for a good mobile. The most obvious choice was Iphone 5 or Samsung 3 or Samsun…...
11 Years Ago
The New found love…
For the past few months my old Samsung mobile which I bought couple of years back was in sick bed. So, I was in search for a good mobile. The most obvious choice was Iphone 5 or Samsung 3 or Samsun…...
11 Years Ago