तेरा मुझे यूँ प्यार से सुबह जगाना काम के समय अपने हाथों से खाना खिलाना नित नए...
9 Years Ago
Clear Like Clarity
It's totally manifest, isn't it?...
11 Years Ago
Clear Like Clarity
It's totally manifest, isn't it?...
11 Years Ago
सपनो के मकाम अब डह ही गए
सपनो के मकाम अब डह ही गए, क्यों इश्क किया उन सपनो से तन्हाई से भी तनहा हो गए त...
11 Years Ago
One life
Slowly the life flows from one moment to the other from one set of pyre to another child cry with every breath touching us deep inside ......
12 Years Ago
Guy came on bike and girl smiled at him he was having a bag he took the back and put it in front so that she could sit behind him ......
12 Years Ago