Vidya Sury

Vidya Sury's Going A-Musing

Collecting Smiles. Writing about Life. Fun. Humor. Love.
Relationships. Health. Tips. Resources. Technology.
Experiences. Stories. Inspiration. Because variety is the
spice of life.

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  • Updated 27 Days Ago

Reflections A to Z Challenge 2019 | Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles

Updated 5 Years Ago

Reflections A To Z Challenge 2019 | Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
As per tradition, here are my Reflections on the A to Z Challenge 2019–its tenth-anniversary edition, no less, and my seventh! I started off the A to Z Challenge this year with a bang on four blogs. Amazing, right? But that fizzled down to two because I just couldn’t keep up, thanks to work overload and deadlines that had to take priority over blogging. Which is a good thing because I don’t believe in stressful blogging. And so I took it in my stride. Which worked out okay-ish, I think. Personally, I think it is great to be able to consistently post daily for an entire month–so please accept my congratulations if you reached the A to Z Challenge finish line. What did I do differently this year? Rather than pantser through the month, composing my posts as I walked on my terrace the previous day, I had a plan of sorts for my posts. I announced that the theme is collecting smiles. Which makes sense because my posts were mostly about personal development and mindful living, with a couple of parenting posts and book reviews. I continued the Wednesday Wisdom series on Wednesdays–of course, in keeping with the alphabet …
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