Vijay Thirugnanam's Vijay's Blog On Asp.net

A blog on ASP.NET, MVC, and all things on Microsoft Web

  • Rated2.8/ 5
  • Updated 6 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Vijay's Blog On Asp.net

React Nugget #2: Why do I love React Hooks? - Vijay Thirugnanam
React Nugget #2: Why do I love React Hooks? - Vijay Thirugnanam
Why do I love React Hooks? Short answer: There are no three ways to write code to deal with the messy "this" coding pattern of class components....
6 Years Ago
Static website using NextJS and Markdown - Vijay Thirugnanam
Static website using NextJS and Markdown - Vijay Thirugnanam
Tutorial on how to use NextJS to create a static website from Markdown files. Covers adding a dynamic route and exporting the routes as static pages....
6 Years Ago
Static website using Gatsby and Markdown - Vijay Thirugnanam
Static website using Gatsby and Markdown - Vijay Thirugnanam
Tutorial to build a static website using Gatsby. Shows how to add new page, use CSS modules, navigate between pages and process markdown files....
6 Years Ago
When should we publish a NPM package? - Vijay Thirugnanam
When should we publish a NPM package? - Vijay Thirugnanam
When should we publish a NPM package? This article discusses the trade-offs between reusability and customization of the project code....
6 Years Ago
Mac scrolling problem and perfect-scrollbar - Vijay Thirugnanam
Mac scrolling problem and perfect-scrollbar - Vijay Thirugnanam
MacOS shows a scrollbar only when the user scrolls. To show a scrollbar when the user hovers over an item, we can use perfect-scrollbar....
6 Years Ago
Save SVG element with custom font as an image - Vijay Thirugnanam
Save SVG element with custom font as an image - Vijay Thirugnanam
SVG element on a webpage can be saved as an image. When SVG has custom fonts, the saved image does not have those fonts. This article tells how to fix it....
6 Years Ago