Madras and Silence
The only way to embrace a warm comfort in Madras is to turn down the air conditioning to 20 and wrap yourself in a blanket. The city burns you- the heat get under your skin, seeping deeper and deep…...
6 Years Ago
Maybe I can never love anyone the same ever again. Maybe I will never let go of my pretences, and just lie silently holding hands. Maybe I will never be the same again, but a part of me has, and it…...
7 Years Ago
Starting a book store
Starting a bookstore is one of those utterly pointless dreams you have as a book lover. There they are, lining the walls of your shelf, scattered all over your desk, lolling on your side table, and…...
7 Years Ago
Echo-chambers and post-truth world
We make our own echo-chambers. We consistently interact with what we like, laying more and more bricks to first build the wall, and then to reinforce it. The inside is exactly what we want, …...
7 Years Ago
When it rains in Madras
When it rains in Madras, it could very well be a place you have fantasised. Forget the potholes and the inevitable inundation for a moment, and just enjoy the magic of an afternoon transformed into…...
7 Years Ago
I walk
I am that guy who walks with long strides and short, through cities big and small, towns with paddy field boundaries and villages with a cross road or two. I am a small force of my own, an o…...
7 Years Ago