A smile like sunshine beaming golden sparkles, A smile as pure as honey, A smile so genuinely full of cheer, A smile so infectious, A sm......
12 Years Ago
W anna be engrossed in whispers of woods, W anna watch angel clouds hit mountain tops florishing raindrops, W anna feel gentle ......
12 Years Ago
On the wings of a butterfly....
Like each blooming bud , Unique and poignant, You are special Like each butterfly that e volves , Joyous, g raceful and distinct, Y......
12 Years Ago
Walk in the clouds
Soaring in the clouds, boundaries unknown vast and deep…. Caressing wind, melodies of musical whispers, Watching sleet and s......
12 Years Ago
Sunsets, fiery red yet mellow n soft like your eyes on mine, Delicate tender petals of roses like new love gentle in your fi......
12 Years Ago
Eternal beauty...
Beauty, ever so blue, grace, serenity, everlasting peace, racing swiftly to embrace, searching for thy beloved, unfolding umpte......
12 Years Ago