Yash Chheda

Yash Chheda's Primal Flow Fitness

Fitness doesn’t have to be difficult. It shouldn’t
take crazy diets, needlessly long & complex workouts &
giving up on going out with your friends to have a strong,
healthy, vibrant body.

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

Recent blog posts from Primal Flow Fitness

Can you please describe how should one proceed with gym training (resistance training and cardio) along with learning a martial art? Preferably MMA? How to handle recovery days /time, stress levels, training session, etc.
Can you please describe how should one proceed with gym training (resistance training and cardio) along with learning a martial art? Preferably MMA? How to handle recovery days /time, stress levels, training session, etc.
Q. Another question. You mentioned that you held a brown belt in karate sometime ago and have been training for a long time. I learnt basics of kyokushin karate in my school for 2 years and while d…...
5 Years Ago
I’m morbidly obese, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I’ve tried going on keto, but have given up after 2-3 weeks everytime. How do I sustain a steady weight loss curve?
I’m morbidly obese, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I’ve tried going on keto, but have given up after 2-3 weeks everytime. How do I sustain a steady weight loss curve?
Q. Okay, to start off I’m morbidly obese, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I’ve tried going on keto, but have given up after 2-3 weeks everytime. How do I sustain a steady weight …...
5 Years Ago
What does it mean to be in a caloric deficit? And as a skinny fat person should I be in one?
What does it mean to be in a caloric deficit? And as a skinny fat person should I be in one?
Q. I started going to the gym recently. I’m currently in a skinny fat stage. My trainer has started off with weight training. Now, what does it mean to be in a caloric deficit? And as a skinn…...
5 Years Ago
I started going to the gym recently. I’m currently in a skinny fat stage. My trainer has started off with weight training. That’s however made my muscles extremely sore. Any ideas on how to deal with it?
I started going to the gym recently. I’m currently in a skinny fat stage. My trainer has started off with weight training. That’s however made my muscles extremely sore. Any ideas on how to deal with it?
I started going to the gym recently. I’m currently in a skinny fat stage. My trainer has started off with weight training. That’s however made my muscles extremely sore. Any ideas on ho…...
5 Years Ago
I gave swimming a try. I couldn’t float on the water while holding a bar. The trainer said that it is because my body is too rigid/or because I train in the gym
I gave swimming a try. I couldn’t float on the water while holding a bar. The trainer said that it is because my body is too rigid/or because I train in the gym
I also want to ask that, last year I wanted to learn something different so I gave swimming a try. I couldn’t learn how to float on the water while holding a bar at all. The trainer said that…...
5 Years Ago
I always end up quitting my exercise routine whenever I travel/drink. How is a good way to get back to the routine after a break?
I always end up quitting my exercise routine whenever I travel/drink. How is a good way to get back to the routine after a break?
Hi, this is AJ here. I always end up quitting my exercise routine whenever I travel/drink. How is a good way to get back to the routine after a break? Now we’re getting to the truly good stuf…...
5 Years Ago