Yash Chheda

Yash Chheda's Primal Flow Fitness

Fitness doesn’t have to be difficult. It shouldn’t
take crazy diets, needlessly long & complex workouts &
giving up on going out with your friends to have a strong,
healthy, vibrant body.

  • Rated2.1/ 5
  • Updated 5 Years Ago

I’m morbidly obese, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I’ve tried going on keto, but have given up after 2-3 weeks everytime. How do I sustain a steady weight loss curve?

Updated 5 Years Ago

I’m Morbidly Obese, And Lead A Pretty Sedentary Lifestyle. I’ve Tried Going On Keto, But Have Given Up After 2-3 Weeks Everytime. How Do I Sustain A Steady Weight Loss Curve?
Q. Okay, to start off I’m morbidly obese, and lead a pretty sedentary lifestyle. I’ve tried going on keto, but have given up after 2-3 weeks everytime. How do I sustain a steady weight …
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