Worms in puppies become serious problem for puppies' owner. If you have puppies, you definitely want to have healthy puppies, so your puppies will become healthy dogs in the future. But the problem is, sometime worms in puppies can't be seen clearly whereas it can growth continuously and make your puppies in dangerous situation. So, how to get rid of worms in puppies? Read the information below to know more about worms in puppies and the ways to solve it. There are 5 types of worms that should be known by puppies' owner. The worms are heartworms, and 4 types of intestinal worm; tapeworms, roundworms, whipworms and hookworms. Your local veterinarians will know the type of worms that live in your environment. He will also know the way to test those parasites. The specific medication should be done for getting rid of worms in puppies because the conditions that are caused by worms can make your dog in dangerous situation. Let's learn more about worms in puppies and the way to solve it effectively. Here you can know the characteristic of puppies with worms in their body, how to get rid of worms in puppies, and also how to prevent worms in puppies. Part 1: Recognizing the Signs of Worms You may wonder about how to get rid of worms in puppies. But before knowing the way to solve worms in puppies, you have to know the signs of worms in puppies. Here are the signs of worms in puppies that you have to know: Cough One of signs of worms in puppies is cough. The worms that may live in your puppies' intestine are hookworms and roundworms. Vomiting Worms in puppies can cause vomiting. So, be aware if your puppies suffer vomiting. You can also check the vomit of your puppies. Sometime the worms will be found on the vomit. Diarrhea Check the feces of your puppies. If your puppies suffer diarrhea, it may become the symptoms of worms in puppies. Besides that, hookworms sometime make your puppies get diarrhea that is accompanied by bleeding. Weakness When your puppies infected by worms, they will look so weak and different than before. They will be lazy to eat, and look so tired. It is because the energy of your puppies has been eaten by the worms in their body. Potbelly Puppies which are infected by worms usually have potbelly. So, look at your puppies, if their stomach looks so bigger than before, you must be aware of it. It may be the symptom of the worms in your puppies. Weigh Loss When the puppies infected by worms, they may have big stomach, but their weight loss drastically. It usually caused by tapeworms and hookworms. Ugly Fur Other sign that is indicated worms in puppies is the appearance of your puppies' fur. Puppies which are infected by worms usually have dull fur, or they may also have freckle spots in their body. Itch in the Ass Puppies with worms in their body usually will feel itch in the ass. You can see it by looking at your puppies. If your puppies often rub the buttock to the floor for reducing the itch in their ass, then your puppies may be infected by worms. Worm in Feces Other sign that is indicated worms in puppies is finding the worm in feces. Some types of worms can appear in puppies' feces or fur. If the condition happens continuously, then the puppies will often unconscious and also get a risk to death soon. So, observe the condition of your puppies. When you see the symptoms of worms in puppies, then you will know how to get rid of worms in puppies. Part 2: How to Solve Worms in Puppies After learning the signs of worms in puppies, you can check your puppy and make sure whether there are worms in your puppies or not. If your puppies have the signs like the signs mentioned above, you have to know how to get rid of worms in puppies. Let's know about it by reading the information below. Go to Your Local Vet Your local vet will know the best medication for your puppies which have infected by worms. For the first step, your local vet may ask you to bring the sample of your puppies' feces. And then he will know the type of worms that infects your puppies. He will also know how to get rid of worms in puppies, and give the best medication for your puppies. Give Medicine for Your Puppies Some intestinal parasites or worms can be solved by oral medicines. The types of medicine and dose depend on the recommendation of your local vet. Here some medicine that commonly used for solving worms in puppies: Dewormer is a type of medicine you can use for solving roundworms and hookworms. For preventing infection of those worms, you have to bring your puppies to your local vet after using dewor Some medicines can be got freely, such as Pyrantel pamoate and fenbendazole. Those medicines are also good for solving hookworms and roundworms. Praziquantel and Epsiprantel commonly used as medicine for solving tapeworms. Whipworms just can be solved by certain medicine, such as fendendazole and The treatment should be done for 5 days and should be repeated for 3 weeks. Do the Treatment for Heartworms The puppies that are infected by heartworm should get treatment immediately. The treatment and medication need help from a vet. The infection level of your puppies should be checked by a vet, so he will know the treatment planning for your puppies. There are some steps of treatment for solving heartworms in puppies. The steps cover oral medication and also the series of injection into the back muscle of the puppies. The treatment will be held for 6-12 months. The infection that is caused by heartworms is very serious. Even with the treatment or medication, some puppies or dogs with serious infection can't survive. Part 3: Preventing Worms Now you have answer of "How to get rid of worm in puppies" question. After reading the information above, you will know what to do for solving the worms in your puppies. Then when your puppies are healthy as before, you have to prevent worms in your puppies in order to make your puppies healthy every time. How to do it? Read the information below to know about it. Get Your Puppies Checked Regularly You can bring your puppies to a vet to be checked routinely. It will prevent the infection of worms in your puppies. For preventing worms, you can also bring the sample of feces to a vet to be tested. It will make you know earlier about the health of your puppies, and also prevent the serious infection of your puppies. When the worms can be found earlier, your puppies have a chance to heal immediately. Preventive Treatment for Heartworms Doing preventive treatment for preventing heartworms is simpler than doing treatments for puppies which are infected by heartworms. As we know that heartworms is the type of worms that is so dangerous and difficult to be handled. There are so many types of medicine for handling heartworms. Discuss it with your local vet to know the best medicine for your puppies. Various types of medicine for solving heartworms are available in oral or topical form. If you live in the environment where your puppies will not be infected by heartworms, you can use pyrantel pamoate, fendaxole and praziquantel for handling intestinal worms. Make Sure that Your Puppies Free of Fleas Tapeworms usually caused by fleas which are swallowed by your puppies. So, you have to keep your dog free of fleas. You can bath your puppies with the flea repellent soap. Clean the Puppies Feces Hookworms and whipworms are transmitted through feces. So, clean the dog feces routinely, and keep your dog away from the feces of other puppies. Part 4: Tips Now you have known about the steps for solving worms in puppies. So, how to get rid of worms in puppies? You definitely have answer to that question. But there are still some tips for you to make you always know the best thing for taking car of your puppies. Here are the tips for you: Don't forget to always monitor or observe your pets. If your pets look so different and make you concern, you have to contact your local vet to know what happen on your puppies. Clean your yard routinely. It will make the environment where your puppies live and play will be clean. It can make your puppies free of worms or other parasites. Don't decide to give medicine for your puppies without any recommendation from your vet. Every medicine or medication should be given based on the recommendation of your vet. Actually puppies are different with the dog because they are so small and need different treatment and medication when they are infected by worms. Get routine exams for your dogs, including fecal and blood test. It will make you know the diseases or infection in your puppies. When you know it earlier, you can give the best medicine for your puppies, to make your puppies free of infection and diseases. Those are the information about worms in puppies and also the ways to solve it. Now, you have known how to get rid of worms in puppies. So starting from now, you have to monitor your puppies, because infection caused by worms will become serious problem. When you clean the dog feces or treating the puppies that are infected by worms, you have to clean your hand after it. Some types of worms in puppies can also infect human. So, be careful with it. Finally, hopefully the information about how to get rid of worms in puppies above will be useful for you.
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